Sunday, January 17, 2010

Impersonation of Spirit.

Here surrounded by routine and simulation.
Magnetic fields draw in retaliation.

Pretension of a familiar face. Walking in pose, living disgrace

Mind wanderings, and shifting dimensions. Uncertain of their true intentions

This masquerade will soon fall, and we were here before it all.

Instinctive response to blasphemy and lies.
Intention and purpose have been disguised.

Feeling assurance outside of this blindness. The sanctity is revealed in kindness.

The people here have not been the same, This deception will no longer remain.

Underneath the hunger and desire, lies the soul of truth that burns with fire.

Rid of the beasts possessing this soul. It dwells no more to take its toll.

Turning away from reaction and force.
Untouched, we return to the source.


  1. These words go through doors that most past by blindly in fear. For words such as these draw the attention of those that know the answers which are better off hidden. Powerful. ~rick

  2. Isha, your writing makes me sit up straight and pay attention. It's so powerful!

    Write more...


  3. It is in the returning to our own nakedness that we find the way to strip the masks off them who would surround us and set us to dancing a tune we would not hear 'cept for their drumming.

    I for one prefer being naked and still; listening to the songs that embrace me.

  4. something of the spirit of the coming age in here... the way "sanctity is revealed in kindness" holds such an appeal for me... especially at a time of such suffering for so many in Haiti...

    thanks for this lovely poem... hope you're well...


  5. eventually we all return to our core. its that or self-destruct...

  6. Simply Beautiful !! Thanks for sharing..

  7. Wow! Simply amazing. Everyone has personal demons that they need to fight. I am inspired by this post.

    By the way, I love your blog space. It's simply awesome. Thanks for joining my blog. :-) Cheers!

  8. wow..i love it..i like the way you incorporate your words into a deep perception like that!! :P

    keep it up :3

  9. Oh well... that I think its beautiful!
    Thanks so much for sharing this with us!!!
    great writer!

  10. hey....this is some awesome the way you have expressed your thoughts here...simply wonderful..

  11. Very abstract, but you pull it off. The rhyming pattern beautifully sustains the poem's ethereal quality.

  12. you amaze me, that's why I decided not to visit your other two blogs, 'cause there's only so much amazement I can take


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